Take a look behind your refrigerator If spring cleaning is in full swing and you want to go the extra mile try doing a deep clean on your refrigerator.

Take a look behind your refrigerator
If spring cleaning is in full swing and you want to go the extra mile try doing a deep clean on your refrigerator. A fridge is one of the greatest energy-sucking appliances in your home so making sure it is running well is key. Often dust and other gunk accumulate on the coils, making it work harder. Giving them a quick clean can drastically reduce your energy bills for the spring months. Inspecting the seals is another great thing to check while you are at it. Watch a video on how to clean ithere.
Open the windows
As Spring ushers in sunny skies and warmer days, throw open your windows and draw up the blinds. Besides thehealth benefits of having natural light, lighting your house with the free light of the sun can help you cut down on energy costs from running house lights all day.
Check off-peak energy times and plan accordingly
Most energy providers have certain hours of the days when they charge less for energy. These hours are often times when more residential homes are using the most energy during the day. These times and rates can vary per meter and electricity provider so it is best to check based on your specific situation and plan your high volume energy usage accordingly. For example, I wash all my clothes on Saturday morning before 12 when the off-peak rates for my home are the cheapest.
Choose energy-saving lighting
Light bulbs need replacing in your house? Try switching them out with energy-efficient lighting. This could drastically cut your energy consumption when used throughout your home. According toMoneyMag, you could save up to hundreds of dollars a year by switching to LEDs.
Cook outside
As temperatures start to rise here in Australia, it could be good to stay out of the kitchen on the extra warm days. Cooking on the stovetop or using the oven can warm your kitchen and attached rooms to uncomfortable temperatures. You could save money on running the AC or ceiling fans and grill outside instead.